Learn Spanish with Instagram
To learn Spanish with Instagram accounts is one of the easiest ways to increase your contact with Spanish while putting in minimum effort! You don’t always have to be taking Spanish courses or be sat in a Spanish school to get in your language practice. When you think about it, it’s actually unsurprising that of the 1 billion monthly users (Business of Apps (June 2018)) some would be dedicated to helping people learn the Spanish language.
Conveniently, this method also takes a little guilt out of your Instagram scroll if it counts as online Spanish learning! These accounts will not only help you learn Spanish with Instagram but will also be sure to spice up your Insta feed and provide some relief from the bombardment of selfies and #foodporn. Some are based in Spain and others based in Latin America, which is great for keeping you connected with the different varieties of Spanish all over the world – and it’ll be something a little different to your Spanish classes.
They all vary in style and content, so it’s up to you to choose which ones work for you – although we follow them all! Without further ado, here’s the Insta hot-take!

Sip Spanish| @sipspanish
Erica’s Instagram is basically every Spanish teacher’s dream social media page. It focuses on peninsular Spanish and is full of good graphics and useful language with a clear emphasis on context.
What’s more, the posts are often interactive which definitely helps in the retention of the content. One unique feature of the page which is absolutely brilliant is that it often introduces words in pairs – either two synonyms, or words which are often confused, or even single words which have two meanings, thereby helping your brain to build the interconnected linguistic network it needs!
Español con Estefy| @espanolconestefy
To learn Spanish with Instagram and Estefy is simple! Get ready for the rioplatense ride of your life! Estefania is an Argentine based in Spain, and the informative and interactive videos which make up the majority of her Instagram account are excellent supplements to whatever you’ve learnt on a Spanish course. The clips tend to tackle common doubts which students who learn to speak Spanish often have. Estefy never fails to explain in a way which is fun and effective in her beautiful Argentinian accent!
Lighton Spanish| @lightonspanish
Jorge is a Spanish teacher from Madrid and his Instagram focuses on grammar. His posts often include set phrases which he deconstructs in the caption (vocab, prepositions, verbs, everything!) to explain how the different components function. It’s a really effective way to study Spanish. It’s clear that a lot of thought goes into every post and the result is a page which truly aims to educate – and succeeds.

Español con María| @espanolconmaria
Maria’s Instagram is colourful and fun. She’s Colombian, and her international outlook comes through in her Instagram. She posts a lot of popular Spanish sayings, which is really interesting from both a linguistic and cultural point of view! In addition, her account, which helps you to learn Spanish with Instagram, contains a link to her website, the Spanish version of which has a brilliant blog.
How to Spanish | @howtospanish
This is such a fun account so if you don’t follow it already, you’re missing out! It focuses specifically on Mexican Spanish and uses funny gifs to illustrate the phrases it teaches. What’s more, the phrases themselves reflect the fun, fresh way language is used by millennials in particular. Erika responds to comments as well, so any questions you have about the content will never go unanswered! I could spend hours on this page – and that’s even more time than I would spend on my #mcm!