10 Arabic words in Spanish language
How many of these words did you know came from Arabic ? All Spanish students are more or less familiar with Latin roots of words from Romance languages such as
How many of these words did you know came from Arabic ? All Spanish students are more or less familiar with Latin roots of words from Romance languages such as
Cinema and moving images are an integral part of daily life as they are widely used both by consumers (through television, the Internet, and other media) and by those who
Do you know these Spanish Halloween expressions? Halloween is getting closer, an increasingly popular tradition in different corners of the world. Its name comes from ‘All Hallow’s Eve’, a celebration
One of the most important and passion-filled celebrations in our country is approaching: the Semana Santa (‘Holy Week’). During the eight days of this Christian event (from Palm Sunday, Domingo
The verb quedar is one of the most useful Spanish verbs and since it can be used as a pronominal verb and has so many different meanings, it can cause
Learn How To Use Spanish Idioms Although globalisation has led us to broaden our horizons and expand our borders, our challenges have also become more complex. The challenges we face
Ever felt betrayed after confidently using a word in Spanish only to be told it doesn’t mean what you thought? Well, no more! We’ve had enough of false friends in
Demystifying the Verb Llevar in Spanish The verb llevar in Spanish is one of those words that the Spanish use a lot, but it has some very different meanings which easily confuse
Do you know what Spanish set phrases are? Have you ever heard about set phrases/collocations? Perhaps it’s not a linguistic term you’re familiar with but if you’re a Spanish student
Entrelenguas is a Spanish school for Spanish learning and culture sharing, bringing together Spanish enthusiasts from all over the world through Spanish immersion programs and online Spanish classes for any ability level.